The Big Golden Week Update

This past week was Golden Week here in Japan, so I had a  lot of time to devote to "Shrew Road Trip RPG" (title pending). Progress was made across the board in basically all parts of the game:


I spent my first day working on the big-picture history of the world. It's very possible that not all of this stuff will be explained in the game, but laying it all out helps me think of how the world should look, what kind of artifacts there might be, and how that history affects the lives of folks in that world. I am also getting a better idea of who the main cast will be, and it's looking increasingly like the MC will be a silent protagonist.


The whole reason I am using RPG Paper Maker for this project is because I can't program something on this scale on my own. But I did learn a lot of the basics of variables and logic when working with Bitsy. And I had a minor breakthrough this past week when I was able to basically flip a switch in a room, leave the room, come back, and the switch remained flipped! It's super basic stuff, I realize, but it's also a building block to bigger and more involved things.


The foundation of a dungeon is starting to take place. This includes:

  • An NPC call to action 
  • A locked door to the dungeon + a key
  • A basic enemy which drops some amount of currency and two different items dropped at different percentages
  • A shop where a healing item can be purchased and enemy loot can be sold

This is really the first time I was able to plan and tweak these RPG mechanics, and it really makes it feel real!


This week I actually probably made fewer assets than previous weeks, since I was able to do a lot with what I already had. But here are a few things I made:

  • A flatbed version of the train car that makes up the pub train
  • A barrel (wow making round things is hard!)
  • A bar counter for inside the pub train
  • A small canned beverage (wow making round things is hard!)
  • Several teeny, tiny icons for the items and drops currently in the game

I also learned a bit more about what was causing some of the collision issues I've been experiencing with my custom 3D objects. I spent a lot of time last month banging my head against an issue that should now be entirely preventable.

So yeah, all in all a lot of good progress! I wonder how far along the game will be by next Golden Week...

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